State Senator


Voters choose State Senators every 4 years. There are 30 Senators from Oregon. You vote for 1 candidate.

  • Represent Oregonians in State government

  • Create State laws

  • Vote on Oregon laws and budget

  • Oversee State government

All Candidates for State Senator

*Means that candidate did not submit a statement to DRO for the Easy Voting Guide

State Senator, 1st District

Lupe Preciado-McAlister* - Democrat
David Brock Smith - Republican, Independent

State Senator, 2nd District

Tracy Thompson - Democrat
Noah Robinson* - Republican

State Senator, 5th District

Jo Beaudreau - Democrat
Dick Anderson* - Republican

State Senator, 9th District

Fred Frank Girod* - Republican
Mike Ashland* - Democrat

State Senator, 12th District

Andrea Kennedy-Smith* - Independent, Working Families
Bruce W Starr* - Republican
Scott Hooper - Democrat

State Senator, 14th District

Katy Brumbelow* - Libertarian
Kate Lieber - Democrat

State Senator, 18th District

Brian Pierson - Republican
Wlnsvey E Campos - Democrat, Working Families

State Senator, 21st District

Kathleen Taylor - Democrat, Republican

State Senator, 22nd District

Lew Frederick - Democrat
Michael Saperstein - Republican

State Senator, 23rd District

Khanh Pham - Democrat, Working Families

State Senator, 25th District

Chris Gorsek - Democrat, Independent, Working Families
Raymond E Love - Republican

State Senator, 27th District

Anthony Broadman - Democrat, Independent
Michael Summers* - Republican

State Senator, 28th District

Dylan Gutridge* - Democrat
Diane Linthicum* - Republican

State Senator, 29th District

Tania Wildbill* - Nonaffiliated
Todd Nash - Republican, Democrat

State Senator, 30th District

Mike McLane - Republican, Democrat