David Brock Smith
Republican, Independent
City where I live: Port Orford
Skills: Occupation: State Senator, Small Business Owner Occupational Background: State Representative, County Commissioner, Third Generation Southwest Oregon Small Business Owner, Economic Development Director Educational Background: Pacific High School, SOCC, SOU, County College Certific
3 things I will do if I win:
1. Repeal/Reform Measure 110—Reform Immigration Laws - David helped lead the repeal/reform of Measure 110, recriminalizing drugs while giving law enforcement the tools to protect residents.
2. Preserving Your Financial Security & Fighting Tax Increases - David continues to fight the current majority's push for higher taxes and fees on Oregonians. He opposes increased taxation and understands how inflation and the rising cost of gas-groceries is hurting our residents.
3. $35 Million Secured to Expand Veterans Services in Southwest Oregon - David works tirelessly for quality care and expanded services for our Veterans. He recently secured $35 million dollars in state matching funds for the third Oregon Veterans’ Home to be built in Roseburg. With additional Feder