Kate Lieber


City where I live: Portland

Skills: Occupation: State Senator Occupational Background: Prosecutor, Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office; Instructor, Portland Community College Prior Governmental Experience: State Senator, Chair, Psychiatric Security Review Board Community  Service: Chair, Transition Projects

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: planet earth with waves of heat emanating (global warming).

1. Advocating for a healthy environment for our children.

Icon: "K - 12" text beneath a chalkboard with "ABC" on it, an apple and a pencil.

2. Supporting our students by passing historic investments in K-12 education and addressing the education workforce challenges.

Icon: a person holds a pickax while another sits at a desk in front of a computer.

3. Bringing good-paying jobs into the region through investments in the semiconductor industry and apprenticeship programs.


Brian Pierson


Scott Hooper