Wlnsvey E Campos
Democrat, Working Families
City where I live: Hillsboro
Skills: Occupation: State Senator; School-Based Health Advocate Occupational Background: Affordable Housing Case Manager, Community Organizer Educational Background: B.A., Pacific University; Bandon High School Prior Governmental Experience: State Senator, State Representative, Precinct
3 things I will do if I win:
1. Tackling Rising Costs of Living: Expanding affordable childcare. Creating living-wage jobs, Addressing food insecurity and increasing nutrition programs, Advocating for more affordable utilities, Increasing consumer protections
2. Addressing Oregon’s Housing Crisis: Increasing our affordable housing supply, Addressing chronic homelessness, Preserving existing low-income housing, Ensuring renters can afford and remain in their communities, Supporting pathways to homeownership
3. Expanding Affordable Healthcare Access: Increasing access to medicaid services, Protecting and expanding access to abortion and comprehensive reproductive health care, Lowering the cost of prescription drugs, Investing in behavioral health care and addiction treatment