David Gomberg

Democrat, Independent, Republican

City where I live: North Lincoln County

Skills: Occupational Background: 30 years in business. Educational Background: BS (Political Science/Honors) OSU; MA (Political Science/History/Economics) OSU; MBA (Marketing/Finance) Willamette. Prior Governmental Experience: State Representative; Senior Services Commission; Small Bus

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: medical "+" symbol with a person in a wheelchair and a person in a dress holding a cane.

1. As a member of the Governor’s Commission on Senior Services and as a legislator, I’ve worked hard to bring policy and legislation to support and protect older and vulnerable Oregonians. "David is one of the best Champions of Seniors in the Oregon Legislature.” – Jim Davis, Oregon State Council for

Infrastructure icons: a bridge, a utility pole, a dripping faucet, and a street.,

2. Infrastructure: Small towns can’t afford big projects I’ve brought millions home for our ports, parks, cultural centers, colleges, and water systems. Last legislative session, I saved district residents thousands of dollars and secured $70 million in direct state investments for the Newport

3. I have secured hundreds of millions of dollars to address homelessness, build affordable housing, and support addiction and mental health challenges. I championed the Governor’s housing package in 2023 and led the effort to fund 100 small town water and sewer projects in 2023 to protect and expan

Icon of a house with "Low Cost" beneath it, alongside a thermometer gauge running low with a $ sign in it.

Michelle Emmons


Lisa Fragala