Tim LeMaster
State Representative, 43rd District
City where I live: Portland
Skills: Retired, Small Business Owner, United States Marine Corps, 22 years. Enlisted as Private, retired as Major. BS Marketing, Syracuse University Military Photojournalism, S.U. Military Documentary Film Production. USMC Veteran
3 things I will do if I win:
1. Public Safety Portland has major problems with homelessness, drug abuse, trusting the police, and violence. We are on the way to a record third year of murders mostly hurting the Black community. We need to deal with having less personal safety. We need to select someone who will search for and recom
2. Empower Parents in Education Regular people should have the ability to choose a good education for their kids the same way rich people can. Oregon has one of the worst rated education systems in the country. Our kids should not be trapped in this bad education system. Oregon should help parents pay fo
3. Improve our Economy Politicians forget people and businesses can pick where they live and operate. Job makers and wealthy tax-payers are leaving for states who let them keep their money. Our local and state governments waste money and just make more taxes. They are not smart with our tax dollars. I w