Khanh Pham

State Representative, 46th District

Photo: Khanh Pham

Democrat, Working Families

City where I live: Portland 

Skills: State Representative; Community Organizer; Director, Oregon Just Transition Alliance 

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: image of the sun, a wind turbine, and apower/thunderbolt icon with grass beneath

1. I will fight for Bold Climate Action and Environmental Justice 

Icon: person in wheelchair holding hands with person in dress holding hands with a person in pants and the label Civil Rights beneath

2. I will fight for a Healthy and Inclusive Democracy

Icon: image of people in business suits with a large X in front and the label Greed beneath

3. I will fight for an Economy Focused on Care for People over Profit

Devra Polack

Creative Director and founder of Spinster Design, Inc., a creative digital services agency specializing in interactive website experiences.

Andrea Valderrama


Tim LeMaster