Paul Drechsler
City where I live: Gresham
Skills: I am a dad, husband, and small business owner who was born and raised here in Gresham. I went to Sam Barlow High School and Portland State University. I am a leader who will fight to solve the problems we have here in Gresham.
3 things I will do if I win:
1. I will support our police and give them the tools they need to protect us. I will make sure we have lower crime and safe neighborhoods.
2. I will support our police and give them the tools they need to protect us. I will make sure we have lower crime and safe neighborhoods.
3. I am the proud dad of four young kids and am proud to have gone to Gresham public schools. Fighting to make our schools better will be one of my top priorities. I will fight for our kids and for our teachers. Oregon should have the best schools in the United States.