
City where I live: Salem

Skills: Occupation: Small Business Owner, Insurance & Financial Services | Occupational Background: US Navy; Banking; Home Loans; Sales | Educational Background: Sumpter Elementary; North Salem High; Sprague High; Linn-Benton Community College; Central Texas College

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: outline of a house with an arrow and a $ sign pointing down.

1. My opponent has pushed for payroll, property, and other taxes. He has also pushed regulations that are driving up utility bills. I opposed the recent Salem Payroll Tax and support giving middle-class Oregonians tax relief.

Icon: "Protect" is displayed beneath 3 figures: a policeperson holding his arm out blocking a person in handcuffs to the left, protecting another person on the policeperson's right.

2. Safety takes leadership. While my opponent voted against allowing police to clean up homeless camps along our streets and parks, I will lead with compassion and require those struggling with drug addiction to get help. Tom Andersen voted against placing trained law enforcement in schools to prot

Icon of a house with "Low Cost" beneath it, alongside a thermometer gauge running low with a $ sign in it.

3. Under Andersen, South Salem homes cost 80% more than before he was elected. He even voted to increase fees and regulations on new homes. I will cut the red tape that slows home building and drives up costs.


Kevin S Chambers


Tom Andersen