Hoa H Nguyen

State Representative, 48th District

Photo: Hoa H Nguyen

Democrat, Working Families, Independent

City where I live: Portland 

Skills:  Student and Community Engagement Specialist at Clackamas Education Service District

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: image of a chalkboard saying ABC, an apple and a pencil, with the label K-12

1. Strong Public Education - workforce development, equity, and safe schools 

Icon: A bus

2. Transportation Justice  - access to multi module modes of transportation, safe routes to school, and pedestrian safety

Icon: A tree and grass in the foreground, two mountains in the background, the sun shining

3. Climate Justice - reduce greenhouse has emissions from cars, promote clean energy homes, protect our natural resources 

Devra Polack

Creative Director and founder of Spinster Design, Inc., a creative digital services agency specializing in interactive website experiences.


Randy E Lauer


Andrea Valderrama