Tom Andersen

State Representative, 19th District

Photo: Tom Andersen

Democrat, Independent

City where I live: Salem 

Skills: $5 years as an attorney in litigation; 8 years as a Salem City Councilor 

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: image of the sun, a wind turbine, and apower/thunderbolt icon with grass beneath

1. Strengthen Oregon's response to the climate crisis. Provide monetary assistance to help citizens and business convert to alternative power sources. Help electrify transportation, both personal and public. 

Icon: person in wheelchair holding hands with person in dress holding hands with a person in pants and the label Civil Rights beneath

2. Civil rights include a panoply of rights - racial justice, LBGQ/BIPOC rights, disability rights, women's rights, senior rights, voting rights and more. I would: support equality for all folks in any of those classifications, work to provide equal access for all Oregonians in public and private spheres, and include all of these groups in decision making.

Icon: A woman, Caption: Pro Choice

3. Assist Oregon reproductive health providers, financially and protectively, to continue to provide their services. Recognize and prepare for an influx of abortion seekers from Idaho and other restrictive states. In the legislature, continue to strengthen an Oregon woman's right to control her own reproductive choices.

Devra Polack

Creative Director and founder of Spinster Design, Inc., a creative digital services agency specializing in interactive website experiences.

Dan Farrington


TJ Sullivan