Kevin L Mannix
State Representative, 21st District
City where I live: Salem
Skills: Kevin Mannix is an attorney, who has owned a private law practice since 1986. Kevin also served as Oregon Assistant Attorney General, Oregon Administrative Law Judge, and Oregon State Representative and State Senator from 1989-2001.
3 things I will do if I win:
1. As a leading advocate for public safety, Kevin authored Measure 11, which created mandatory sentences for violent criminals, and established the victims' rights amendments to Oregon's constitution. If returned to the Oregon House, Kevin's priorities will include restoring justice and advoc
2. Kevin has been working to make life more affordable for working families his entire career and defeated the largest tax increase in Oregon’s history. If returned to the Oregon House, Kevin will fight to make Oregon more affordable for working families.
3. Kevin passed more successful legislation and citizen initiatives than any other person in Oregon history (135 bills). If returned to the Oregon House, Kevin's priorities will include pushing through comprehensive legislation to remedy homelessness, and expanding options for parents of scho