Kayse Jama

State Senator, 24th District

Photo: Kayse Jama

Democrat, Independent, Working Families

City where I live: Portland

Skills: Oregon State Senator; Nonprofit Leader - B.A. Marylhurst University 

3 things I will do if I win:

Illustrated outline of a house with a collar sign and arrow pointing downward

1. Affordability in housing, healthcare, and cost of living

Icon: one person wielding a pick-axe with another people seated at a desk with a computer. Label: Jobs

2. Opportunity and fairness in employment and economy

Icon: image of a chalkboard saying ABC, an apple and a pencil, with the label K-12

3. Educational equity and action on climate change

Devra Polack

Creative Director and founder of Spinster Design, Inc., a creative digital services agency specializing in interactive website experiences.


Bill Kennemer


Raz Mason