Andrea Salinas

Democrat, Independent

Skills: US Representative, Oregon State Representative, Oregon Complete Count Committee, PEBB Member, Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs

3 things I will do if I win:

Icon: the shape of Oregon with a medical hipocratic symbol in the center.

1. Andrea is fighting to bring down health care costs and ensure that rural communities have access to quality health care, including mental health care. She’s worked to expand Medicare, secured funding for community health centers, and lowered prescription drug prices. She also expanded access t

Icon of a house with "Low Cost" beneath it, alongside a thermometer gauge running low with a $ sign in it.

2. Families are struggling to make ends meet. That’s why Andrea voted to cut taxes for middle-class families and is fighting to lower grocery, gas, and housing costs. She won’t stop working to make Oregon more affordable.

Icon: "Pro Choice" with the shape of a person in a dress.

3. Andrea is a fierce defender of reproductive rights. In Oregon, she helped pass the nation’s strongest reproductive rights laws, and in Congress, she is continuing to fight extreme efforts to limit access to abortion and reproductive health care.


Tobias Read


Mike Erickson