2022 Oregon General Election

People with disabilities have the same right to cast a private and independent ballot as their fellow Americans.

The Easy Voting Guide is published by Disability Rights Oregon (DRO), and is designed to be as accessible as possible to people with disabilities. DRO is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse any candidates.

In October 2022, DRO mailed out a print version of the Easy Voting Guide to individuals and organizations that requested them. A PDF version of the Easy Voting Guide is available for download in English and Spanish.

Video Playlist


DRO used photos and lists candidates in the random order of letters of the alphabet as provided by the Secretary of State. DRO gave candidates guidelines for writing in Plain English and asked candidates to limit their statements to 250 characters. DRO did not edit or change the candidate statements, and statements more than 250 characters were cut off.

Learn about the candidates for US Senator, US Representative, Governor, State Senator, State Representative, Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries, Judge of the Court of Appeals and Judge of the District Court under the “Candidates” tab in the main menu.

Ballot Measures

DRO summarized costs and arguments for and against ballot measures. DRO based arguments on arguments provided in the Voters’ Pamphlet. DRO used guidelines for plain English and journalistic style guides to write summaries.

Learn more about Measure 111, Measure 112, Measure 113 and Measure 114 under the “Ballot Measures” tab in the main menu.

The Oregon Easy Voting Guide would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, federal funders, and partners at State and County voting offices. If you’re interested in supporting this work, please consider making a donation to Disability Rights Oregon. Thank you for your support!